Jaumont - Pierre de Soleil
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Optimum resource management

As the company has been working in this sector for a long time, it exploits the Jaumont limestone under a policy of sustainable development aimed at preserving the valleys in Lorraine, by developing products to replace the use of alluvial materials.

As developed by the company, the exploitation represents optimum beneficiation and reasoned management of the limestone formations encountered.

The beneficiation techniques employed:

  • extend the range of products brought to market,
  • and reduce the amount of scrap materials.

This optimum, rational beneficiation fits in with the guidelines regarding the policy of managing materials backed by the departmental and regional authorities.

A continuous commitment

In the context of redevelopment operations

The company’s core business is not just to exploit and reuse limestone formations.

It also includes a notion of gradually reconstituting natural surroundings in harmony with the environment, after exploitation.

Consequently, we will gradually set up:

C’est ainsi que seront progressivement mis en place :

From an ecological viewpoint

    • networks of ponds for amphibians
    • secured vertical facades and cliffs
    • limestone slabs
    • ecological reforestation by spontaneous regeneration from natural sowing, via the wind and/or fauna,
    • if not assisted
    • orchard areas
    • reflections on planting trees where truffles tend to grow (oak, hazelnut, etc.).
    • late-mowing grasslands for farming use
    • clearings
    • rock slide sectors.

From a landscaping viewpoint

    • levelling off after the depositing of the site’s West edge to create a screen
    • a study to introduce terraced vegetation (small country hedges) on the rim of the slope
    • maintenance of limestone slabs
    • an orchard to create a visual transition between farmland and woods
    • wooded sectors on the site’s South-East facade in contact with the whole massif

A partnership with the O.N.F. (member of the “Plant for the Planet” world campaign sponsored by the United Nations Environmental Programme) is under study.

In the context of its transport activities

Besides building its drivers’ awareness of ecological driving, the company is applying and developing a reflection on how to transport its materials by river, using barges that represent the equivalent of 100 to 150 articulated lorries.